UNIMAS Medic Interview- What you might get asked?

Hi there dear bros and sis, it been awhile since i posted my last content in this blog. Well , here we will be discussing specifically about UNIMAS MD/Medic Interview, in form of the questions the panel might ask, as below:

1. Introduce yourself/ Why do you think we need to select you?

  • Imagine yourself as new product in a highly competitive market. Thus, this is the moment where you must bust out the extraordinary sparks of life, to make yourself outstanding .If you cant come up with interesting content, its not a big deal, but make sure your honest with what you are talking about, as the panels' next questions will be based on your content in this session.
2. Why you want to be doctor?
  • Most of us, might answer it by saying because " i love biology, im passionate about this field, i love helping people, im curious about the wonders of human body". My advice is try to come up with something that most cant think about and relate it with your life  and future journey.
3. Whats your pro and cons/ What makes you outstanding ?
  • I am sure most of us can answer the pro part with good explanation. But the most important part that defines you, is your cons. So, try to come up with a cons, which can both deteriorate and benefits yourself. For example, " My cons is i am a perfectionist; because of that i usual get stressed and concerned with minor details, but however this behavior of me also helps me to be outstanding with great product.
4. What made you to choose UNIMAS?
  • Block system: In precilnical, we have total 9 blocks, which are foundation block, Man in Environment, Blood and Immunology , Muscle skeletal , Endocrine, Central Nervous System, GIT& Hepatobiliary, Cardio & Respi and Renal&Reproduction.
  • Foster Family Program: Students will be divided in to groups of 4-6 as foster siblings, and will be adopted by a foster family for 2 years. Students will performing community projects related to current block that they are studying.
  • Enrich with culture and ethinic diversity: Believe, the people in east malaysia way more friendly and they have a wonder culture, not to deny the foods, especially kolo mee, teh c special, sugar bun, bidayuh rice wine and etc.
  • UNIMAS will be having its own teaching hospital soon: They have already started the constration, so by the time u guys grad, maybe u all can apply for housemen at there.
  • UNIMAS will be having Pusat Kesihatan Prima
  • UNIMAS' FMHS has some of the internationally pioner lectures. Exp, Prof Balbir who found the new species of Plasmodium Malaria, Dr Ashley Soosai, a Havard graduate with expertise in medical genetics and oncology,and Dr William with his research in slowing down cell death during strok.
  • UNIMAS FMHS has lots of posting hospitals for medical and nursing students, such as sibu hosp, kuching hosp, samarahan ijn, sentosa hosp, which provides a diverse clinical experience.
5. The panels will ask about the arrangement of choice of course in UPU list. 
  • If the u placed UNIMAS in 2nd, 3rd or 4th option, sure they will ask why u didnt give priority for unimas in the listing.
  • They will ask about the other courses u applied in upu.
6. How you see yourself in another 10 years , from now?
  • Come up with something interesting (which u are sure about the pathway), and relatable with your career.
7. The panels will give situations
  • They can give you clinical scenario, but dont worry they wont be so concern about the medical facts. Its just about how you manage the issue.
8. In what you are planing to pursue your post grad/ specialization ?
  • Your answer will indicate the level of interest and effort that you have invested to do research about medical field
9. Whats your skill/ interest/ hobbies?
  • make sure your answer is relatable to course.
10. Starting from 2019, Psychological question and test, are implemented in the interview format.

So, thats all from me. If you have doubts, dont hesitate to comment down below. Before i end this content, let me give you all some bonus content:

Rules of IV:
  • Great appearance: Groom your hair well, have a formal attire and a confidence gesture.
  • Timing: Be early and use the spare time to talk with other students who came for the interview( IF THE IV IS IN ONLINE, i might get a chance to meet others in the waiting room.)
  • Be honest and astonishing with your answer.
  • If you are not sure, do not talk about it.
  • Use " im not very sure", instead of " i do not know".
  • Always prepare a resume with your original certs.
  • Online IV: Makesure you have good internet connection, your device is not having any hanging issues, use your audio when its necessary, makesure you are out of any disturbance during the IV session, prepare a pencil/pen and paper.

Thank you, stay safe, and good luck, i hope i can see you all soon in UNIMAS.


  1. Hi glad that i found your blog, is there any chance to continue in medic if spm result for addmath is C+, i seen all ipta put math/addmath min at B

  2. Hi, I'd like to ask about roleplay questions? Were there questions regarding the 4 pillars of medical ethics or questions that are controversial like teenage pregnancies


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