Journey to be a medic student
Hi, there everyone. Dont be very excited with the post's title, to be honest, i'm not a medic student yet, but will be in another 2 months. Fine, lets talk about the journey to be a medic student i this post.
before starting the topic, let me intro( self, im sorak from melaka, . previously, i studied at melaka matriculation college. To qualify as a candidate for mbbs or md, u have to get a total cgpa of 3.0 above with minimum B in all subject.( b- tak kira). so, yaaa.... as a module 1 student i have to push myself to the max, to score well. yooo..guys remember the requirement above is general but for government uni, even if u get 4 flat the offer is never promised. IF your parents can support you financial, you can try to get in private with the result of 3.00. But, let me advice , if you are planning to go for private, try to consider MANIPAL MELAKA, AIMIST, OR EVEN MAHSA still okay, as all this uni's are good in quality and affordeble, but if u think u are kaya raya, u can try IMU, UNIVERSITY PERDANA(scholaship available for 4-flaters) OR UNIVERSITY MALAYA'S OPEN CHANNEL(yes um is selling medic seat for students with 3.8 cgpa and above).
FINE, let me tell u all ,my epic story of being a goverment uni medic student. Before that, let me tell, although there alot slogans like 1 MALAYSIA and all the crapy stuffs, race inequality is a major issue in our country, so, being a non-malays will be a 1st deter in getting in a goverment uni(ipta), especially for critical courses. In my case, i had another big issue too, after 1st semester, all matric students should apply for goverment uni via UPU. As my 1st sem result was 3.8, it was real tough for me to consider medic as my 1st choice in upu, my dream to be a doctor didnt stop me from applying medic course in ipta via UPU. But, before applying, i did research, and i found out, that university sarawak malaysia(UNIMAS), and university malaysia sabah(USM) offering medic program( yeah... guys there are ipta's other than UM, USM, UPM, UiTM to be consider). From my research i found that, the indian, chinese and orang asli who born at sabah and sarawak are BUMIPUTRAs. So, i thought, most of the students from semenanjung won't consider sabah and sarawak as even as a option, plus, all the non- malays at sabah and sarawak will compete with the malays in the bumiputra quota in the UNIMAS and UMS , So, i thought, this gives me a gud chance to apply for both uni's. Plus, the cutting point of unimas is 3.00 and for ums is 3.5, which is among the lowest cutting point for medic in malaysia.(for your knowledge the cutting point for medic at UM=3.8, UPM=3.7, USM=3.7, UiTM=3.6, UniSZA=3.6).So, i place unimas as my 1st option, ums as my 2nd option, unisza as my 3rd option and last usm.(guys remember, although there is 12 coloms in upu list, u only can place medic program in the 1st four option). So, after 4 months , i had interview call from UNIMAS, UMS, and UniSza. About the interview experience, i will post later. BUT personally for me, UMS interview was the hardest.
So, i did my best in all the interviews and everything was moving pretty smooth and nice. Then, suddenly, a bomb fell from nowhere, my semester 2 result, it was really bad. My total cgpa was only 3.6. My hope for medic in IPTA started fade at that moment. Later, i try to move on, and apply for some private unis for medic program. but there was still a small light inside me, telling me to not give up on my dream to pursue medic in IPTA. LATER, ON 1ST AUGUST 2018, the judgment day arrived. i checked my UPU result, and i was literally crying and shocked to see, that, i got offer for medic at UNIMAS. Then, i thought, the government might increased the quota, so maybe my friends who got better result than me might also get a place in government uni for medic program. But, when i checked with all my college-mate , i found that, only 8 non-malays out of 1400, got medic program at government university from my college, which is real less compare to previous year. I felt so lucky and thankful but at the same time , i felt terrible sad,as my friends with 4 flats even , didn't get medic program at government uni.
When, i was discussing with my friends , i found that, most of them place, popular unis like UM, UPM,USM, Uitm in the 1st option and placed unimas, ums, unisza in the last option. So, my advice is try place the non-popular unis as your 1st option in upu list and dont worry with result 3.6 or even 3.4, there is still hope for u to get in a government uni's medic program.
Most of u will be thinking, the popular uni's offer more quality education compare to the non-popular unis, especially for medic, but let me tell u that, unimas, is the only uni in malaysia to offer
pre-clinical experience during semester 1 itself and they also have professional exam similar like UM. So don't worry about quality as all IPTAs are really good when it comes to quality of education. ALL that, it matters is how you study at there. so, don't give up on your dreams, buckle up and ride the life with fuel of hope. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOU VAN ASK IN THE COMMENT SECTION BElOW. Thank u.
before starting the topic, let me intro( self, im sorak from melaka, . previously, i studied at melaka matriculation college. To qualify as a candidate for mbbs or md, u have to get a total cgpa of 3.0 above with minimum B in all subject.( b- tak kira). so, yaaa.... as a module 1 student i have to push myself to the max, to score well. yooo..guys remember the requirement above is general but for government uni, even if u get 4 flat the offer is never promised. IF your parents can support you financial, you can try to get in private with the result of 3.00. But, let me advice , if you are planning to go for private, try to consider MANIPAL MELAKA, AIMIST, OR EVEN MAHSA still okay, as all this uni's are good in quality and affordeble, but if u think u are kaya raya, u can try IMU, UNIVERSITY PERDANA(scholaship available for 4-flaters) OR UNIVERSITY MALAYA'S OPEN CHANNEL(yes um is selling medic seat for students with 3.8 cgpa and above).
FINE, let me tell u all ,my epic story of being a goverment uni medic student. Before that, let me tell, although there alot slogans like 1 MALAYSIA and all the crapy stuffs, race inequality is a major issue in our country, so, being a non-malays will be a 1st deter in getting in a goverment uni(ipta), especially for critical courses. In my case, i had another big issue too, after 1st semester, all matric students should apply for goverment uni via UPU. As my 1st sem result was 3.8, it was real tough for me to consider medic as my 1st choice in upu, my dream to be a doctor didnt stop me from applying medic course in ipta via UPU. But, before applying, i did research, and i found out, that university sarawak malaysia(UNIMAS), and university malaysia sabah(USM) offering medic program( yeah... guys there are ipta's other than UM, USM, UPM, UiTM to be consider). From my research i found that, the indian, chinese and orang asli who born at sabah and sarawak are BUMIPUTRAs. So, i thought, most of the students from semenanjung won't consider sabah and sarawak as even as a option, plus, all the non- malays at sabah and sarawak will compete with the malays in the bumiputra quota in the UNIMAS and UMS , So, i thought, this gives me a gud chance to apply for both uni's. Plus, the cutting point of unimas is 3.00 and for ums is 3.5, which is among the lowest cutting point for medic in malaysia.(for your knowledge the cutting point for medic at UM=3.8, UPM=3.7, USM=3.7, UiTM=3.6, UniSZA=3.6).So, i place unimas as my 1st option, ums as my 2nd option, unisza as my 3rd option and last usm.(guys remember, although there is 12 coloms in upu list, u only can place medic program in the 1st four option). So, after 4 months , i had interview call from UNIMAS, UMS, and UniSza. About the interview experience, i will post later. BUT personally for me, UMS interview was the hardest.
So, i did my best in all the interviews and everything was moving pretty smooth and nice. Then, suddenly, a bomb fell from nowhere, my semester 2 result, it was really bad. My total cgpa was only 3.6. My hope for medic in IPTA started fade at that moment. Later, i try to move on, and apply for some private unis for medic program. but there was still a small light inside me, telling me to not give up on my dream to pursue medic in IPTA. LATER, ON 1ST AUGUST 2018, the judgment day arrived. i checked my UPU result, and i was literally crying and shocked to see, that, i got offer for medic at UNIMAS. Then, i thought, the government might increased the quota, so maybe my friends who got better result than me might also get a place in government uni for medic program. But, when i checked with all my college-mate , i found that, only 8 non-malays out of 1400, got medic program at government university from my college, which is real less compare to previous year. I felt so lucky and thankful but at the same time , i felt terrible sad,as my friends with 4 flats even , didn't get medic program at government uni.
When, i was discussing with my friends , i found that, most of them place, popular unis like UM, UPM,USM, Uitm in the 1st option and placed unimas, ums, unisza in the last option. So, my advice is try place the non-popular unis as your 1st option in upu list and dont worry with result 3.6 or even 3.4, there is still hope for u to get in a government uni's medic program.
Most of u will be thinking, the popular uni's offer more quality education compare to the non-popular unis, especially for medic, but let me tell u that, unimas, is the only uni in malaysia to offer
pre-clinical experience during semester 1 itself and they also have professional exam similar like UM. So don't worry about quality as all IPTAs are really good when it comes to quality of education. ALL that, it matters is how you study at there. so, don't give up on your dreams, buckle up and ride the life with fuel of hope. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOU VAN ASK IN THE COMMENT SECTION BElOW. Thank u.
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ReplyDeleteHi, firstly yr words really inspired me :') thankyou so muchh for making this post. I need yr help whether i shud put unimas or ums as my 1st choice in upu. i really cant choose :')
ReplyDeleteHi sis, thanks for such a wonderful words, sure I will guide u through out the process. Do email me to, I will send send u necessary Infos.
DeleteHi sorry..hope admin reply..saya nak ig boleh ke? Untuk saya tanya about medic Unimas dgn mendalam?.. saya lepasan matrikulasi dan juga sudah habis iv medic unimas..nak sngat ada senior yg tolong kalau ada soalan..
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