UNIMAS Medic Interview- What you might get asked?
Hi there dear bros and sis, it been awhile since i posted my last content in this blog. Well , here we will be discussing specifically about UNIMAS MD/Medic Interview, in form of the questions the panel might ask, as below: 1. Introduce yourself/ Why do you think we need to select you? Imagine yourself as new product in a highly competitive market. Thus, this is the moment where you must bust out the extraordinary sparks of life, to make yourself outstanding .If you cant come up with interesting content, its not a big deal, but make sure your honest with what you are talking about, as the panels' next questions will be based on your content in this session. 2. Why you want to be doctor? Most of us, might answer it by saying because " i love biology, im passionate about this field, i love helping people, im curious about the wonders of human body". My advice is try to come up with something that most cant think about and relate it with your life and future jour...